漫修 发表于 2011-12-29 00:16


本帖最后由 漫修 于 2012-1-5 20:27 编辑

Cox is perhaps best known for swimming the Bering Strait in 1987, from the island of Little Diomede in Alaska to Big Diomede, then part of the Soviet Union, where the water temperature averaged around 4 °C (40 °F). At the time people living on the Diomede Islands -- only 3.7 km (2.3 miles) apart—were not permitted to travel between them, although the Eskimo communities there had been closely linked until the natives of Big Diomede were moved to the Russian mainland after World War II. Her accomplishment eased Cold War tensions as Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev both praised her success.考克斯也许是因为1987年横渡白令海峡而闻名于世。白令海峡从阿拉斯加的 Little Diomede岛至属于苏联领土部分Big Diomede。白令海峡的平均水温只有4°C。那时居住在Diomede群岛——两端仅仅3.7km远——的人们不允许在两者之间穿行,虽然那里的爱斯基摩社区一直保持密切联系。直到二战结束后,Big Diomede土著人才移居至俄罗斯大陆。她的游泳成就可以说是缓和了两大超级大国的冷战状态,因为罗纳德·里根和米歇尔·戈尔巴乔夫都对她的成就给予了赞扬。Another of her accomplishments was swimming more than a mile (1.6 km) in the waters of Antarctica. Cox was in the water for 25 minutes, swimming 1.22 miles (1.96 km) . Her book about the experience, Swimming to Antarctica, was published in 2004.她的另一个游泳战绩是在南极水域中游过超过1.6km的距离。当时,考克斯在南极游了25分钟、1.96km。关于这段经历参见她的著作《去南极游泳》,2004年出版。Her second book, Grayson, details her encounter with a lost baby gray whale during an early morning workout off the coast of California. It was published in 2006.In August 2006 she swam across the Ohio River in Cincinnati from the Serpentine Wall to Newport, Kentucky to bring attention to plans to decrease the water quality standards for the Ohio River.The asteroid 37588 Lynnecox was named in her honor.她的第二本书《格雷吾子》,详述了她在早期的一个早晨离开加州海岸训练期间,不幸遭遇失去幼子格雷·威尔的过程。此书2006年出版。2006年8月,她横渡发源于Serpentine Wall、流至肯塔基新港的辛辛那提俄亥俄河,以期唤起公众对降低俄亥俄河水质标准计划的关注。

小眼聚光 发表于 2011-12-29 12:15

      谢谢漫修的好贴介绍,使我们了解了世界游泳名将——莱娜·考克斯 的成长、成名的历程!

漫修 发表于 2011-12-29 14:39

本帖最后由 漫修 于 2011-12-29 14:41 编辑

小眼聚光 发表于 2011-12-29 12:15 http://bbs.china-ws.org/static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢漫修的好贴介绍,使我们了解了世界游泳名将——莱娜·考克斯 的成长、成名的历程!



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