描述:普通防水袋 图片:
描述:普通绳索快挂 图片:
描述:腰挂(或者肩挂) 图片:
描述:攀岩用主锁,快挂,扁带,捆扎带用于激流险滩与大洪水 图片:
描述:实践证明:捆扎带非常必要!一般只纵向打捆,建议更凶猛的水域打十字捆。 图片:
这次杨勇他们漂流用的超级大的防水袋,美国产品,110-120升左右,面料坚韧耐磨,像制作橡皮艇的材料。我在成都陈浩那里看见了一个,的确好,做工非常精细,压边和接缝感觉非常整洁牢固,有背负系统(我们游泳探险可能不需要,可以去掉。) 目前正在联系定做,或者从美国邮购。可能有点贵!
图片: NRS高级防水袋:项目编号2903,108升,79.95美元。
产品介绍: The NRS Heavy-Duty Bill’s Bag will provide you with a lifetime of dependable service, constructed with the addition of an extended 34oz reinforced bottom for added durability.
This massive dry bag is expandable for over 6500 cubic inches of storage capacity but can be cinched down with the four compression straps to compact and stabilize gear.
The adjustable backpack harness has a rubberized grab handle and extra wide padded shoulder straps for comfortable hands-free transport of your gear.
The Storm Strip closure provides for a reliable waterproof seal.
Sizes are measured fully packed and closed
Measurement: 3.8 cu. ft., 6566 cu. in., 108 liters 16" diameter x 33" tall Material: 21-oz. PVC/polyester body, 34-oz. PVC/polyester floor Closure: StormStrip™ closure Includes padded backpack straps
"About 25 years ago I bought a "Bills Bag" and I took it along on the first Yukon trip (and on many other trips) and it has yet to fail. I actually bought two Bills Bags and both of them have held up real well. One of them I used as a carry-on bag on my first trip down the Yukon and at times, I had to beat it mercilessly to get it to fit into the over-head compartments. It took the abuse without a single complaint or groan." -Sincerely, Ray Z.
图片: 项目编号2900,108升,69.95美元
图片: 项目编号2925,142升,65美元
图片: 项目编号2915,108升,59.95美元
美国胶带 50MM*55M(MADE IN USA)
美国胶带 50MM*55M(MADE IN USA) http://auction1.taobao.com/auction/item_detail-0db2-eb2e3618ae802af59b5ef0701821ee51.jhtml
图片: 漂流探险专业头盔!
材料:ABS工程塑料 四点可调节头带
多出水孔设计 描述:游泳手套1 图片:
描述:游泳手套2 图片:
描述:头套 图片:
描述:潜水袜1 图片:
描述:潜水袜2 图片:
描述:潜水鞋 图片:
描述:溯溪鞋1 图片:
描述:溯溪鞋2 图片:
描述:溯溪鞋3 图片:
描述:潜水鞋 图片:
描述:脚蹼1 图片:
描述:脚蹼2 图片:
描述:脚蹼3 图片: 保暖游泳衣(潜水服,Neopren发泡橡胶材料,SBR,SCR,CR,专用潜水衣材料,1-10mm不等。适合野外长距离长时间冬泳,野外游泳探险,保暖,防擦伤划伤。),头套,游泳手套,潜水袜子,珊瑚鞋,潜水鞋,溯溪鞋,脚蹼,潜水表,潜水刀。。。。。。
描述:高级脚蹼1 图片:
描述:高级脚蹼2 图片:
描述:脚蹼 图片:
描述:潜水表1 图片:
描述:潜水表2 图片:
描述:潜水刀1 图片:
描述:潜水刀2 图片:
描述:珊瑚鞋 图片: 面罩!
图片: 各种面罩!