冬泳译苑fficeffice" /> 怎样游蝶泳(译文) 如果你要参加有竞争性的比赛,你必须要知道如何正确地掌握蝶泳的技术,并游出一定的速度. 步骤: 1.首先要掌握其他的泳姿, 对于有竞争性的比赛来说,蝶泳是最后要学和训练的泳姿.它需要具有很强的体能和耐力及技巧性.在你参加蝶泳训练时你需要通过其它的泳姿来积蓄你的体能和耐力. 2.当你第一次入水时,做蝶泳流线型踢水的动作.蝶泳的踢水的动作是由双腿在流体中一起连续进行的,从而形成波浪式的向前运动.要保证你的脚趾互指伸直. 3.在水下踢水后,要保持身体的做出紧凑的波浪式姿式,并且在做波浪式动作的过程中,保持你的双手在你的头的上方. 4.在潜入水中的恰当的时候,在水中使你的头朝下做一次划水的动作并在呼吸前,同时做一次踢水的动作. 5.使双手进行划水的动作.当你的头部要露出水面时你要划动你的双臂.先形成一个大园勺型运动,继而使手臂向后,最后使手臂露出水面,形成弧形指向前方,再次潜入水中. 6.换气前在水下做一次踢水并再次将手臂划出水面. 7.一但你要触池时,要用双手推开,且记不要触池两次,这是犯规. 注意: l 熟能生巧,对于这种泳姿,要进行多次的练习. l 技术是最重要的,没有好的技术是不可能游好蝶泳这种泳姿的.此外,尽管你的速度很快,但技术有问题,你仍然没有资格参加比赛. l 保证要使身体处于波浪型时进行划水,尽可能的使用身体的重心推动你的躯体. l 尽可能的使你的双臂在回复动作时离开水面,从而使划水变的轻松些. l 尽管对于大多数的人来说,划水是困难的,但不要气馁,只要充分的准备和训练,你可以在50米的比赛中,成绩达到35秒. l 游泳前不要吃的太多,因为蝶泳是一个非常累的项目,为防止抽筋,不要多吃. (附原文)How to Swim Butterfly Stroke If you swim competively it is important to know how to swim butterfly properly and also quickly. 1. Know your other swimming strokes first. Generally butterfly is the last stroke to be introduced when training for competitive swimming. It requires strength of body and endurance skills, which you should have been building up before through other strokes before attempting butterfly. 2. Do the butterfly streamline kick when you first dive in. The butterfly kick consists of putting your feet together and kicking continuously in a fluid wavelike motion. Keep your toes pointed while doing this. 3. Keep a tight streamline position while underwater kicking. When streamlining, keep hands held tightly above your head. 4. After hitting the water off of the dive, take one butterfly stroke with your head down and kick simultaneously before breathing. 5. Get your arms into action. When your head breaks the surface proceed to moving the arms. You perform the arms by making a large circular scooping motion that extends your arms back first and then brings them up out of the water, directing them right over in an arch-like shape and then diving back in to the water, pointed hands first. 6. Kick once underwater before breathing and extending arms out again. 7. Once you hit the wall, touch with two hands and push off. Not doing a two hand touch will result in a disqualification, so remember! l Practice makes perfect, especially with this stroke, so try and try again. l Technique first! Its nearly impossible to swim the fly without good technique. Plus, if you go fast but have bad technique, you could get DQed on a fast swim. l Be sure to undulate on your stroke! Use your center of gravity to propel yourself as much as possible. l Lifting your arms up as much as possible on the recovery makes this stroke a lot easier. l Do not be discouraged; although this is a hard stroke for most, you are fully capable of achieving a 50 meter swim in 35 seconds when fully competitive. l Dont eat too much before swimming. Butterfly is a very tiring stroke, be sure not to eat too much before swimming, to avoid cramps. |